Published: Thursday, August 4, 2022
We're excited to announce that we have received three gold awards in the 2022 International Canned Wine Competition for our LÜVO Sparkling Rosé, Muscat + Mint Spritzer, and Piquette + Peach Spritzer. Congratulations to our intrepid and crafty winemaking team lead by Head Winemaker, Gina Haverstock, and to the other winning wineries from across the globe.
LÜVO also received the Packaging Design Award for Canada alongside wineries from California, Italy, The Netherlands, Germany, New York and Australia!
Thank you to Allan Green, Competition Director and this year’s panel of judges Robert Williams Jr., PhD., Dan Berger, Brielle Buckler Jonathan Cristaldi, Dennis Doorakkers, Brooke Martin, Ali Nemo, Laura Ness, and Greg Richtarek. Like you, we believe canned wine done well is certainly something to celebrate!